Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fall is here!

When Starbucks starts selling their Pumpkin Spice you know fall is here! It could not be a more perfect week to bring it back. We have had 100 (ok maybe not that many) days over 100 degrees, it has been HOT HOT HOT and today our high was only 81 degrees. Ok, that still sounds warm, however it is a cool front for us in Oklahoma!

I'm excited for all the pumpkin flavored stuff, sweaters and jeans weather. I'm looking forward to the holiday, our upcoming trip to Colorado, and Casey's parents coming to visit soon. I am defiantly ready for the summer to be over!

Oh, and check out my shellac nail polish. This stuff lasts up to two weeks with no chipping! I don't get manicures often (only a few times year), but from now on out I'm paying $5 extra for the shellac polish.

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