Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Center of the Universe and the Artificial Cloud: Downtown Tulsa

This last weekend C3 also checked out The Center of the Universe and the Artificial Cloud in Downtown Tulsa. They were both so neat. I drive by this streed every week and I had no idea this was here! Thanks to Casey's high school friend (Krista) for showing us were it was! 
The Center of the Universe is this brick spot in Downtown Tulsa that is an acoustic anomaly. When you stand in the center and make a noise, the noise is echoed back louder than it was made. I was a bit skeptical, however when you stand in the center the sound and feeling is so strange. It really does echo!! I tried to get it on video, however the sound does not sound like it does in person :(
This is the spot where the acoustic magic happens!
 This spot is directly above train tracks.
While we were there a train drove right under us. It made Colton's day!!
 "Mommy I really love trains"

We spent the day with Casey's high school friend (Krista) and her family. Her and her husband moved to Tulsa 12 years ago.
The Artificial Cloud is a sculpture that was made in 1991 by Native American artist Robert Haozous. The sculpture is seventy-two and one-half feet tall, the work was created on the premise that more people would look at a naturally rusting steel cloud than at a real cloud.

The Center of the Universe and Artificial Cloud were both very neat. This is just one other reason why all of our friends and family should come visit us in Tulsa,OK.
We promise to take you to these sights too :)

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